Our PE and Athletic Department is bringing back Dash4Cash! We will host the kickoff assembly on Wednesday, April 3rd. Students will be sent home with more information about the fundraiser.
Help your child(ren) get donations and support them on their run day. All proceeds will go towards the PE and Athletic Department to help and maintain our continue growth and success at BCCS!
Important Dates
Kick-Off Assembly: Wednesday, April 3rd
Dash4Cash Running Event: Wednesday, May 1st
All Pledges Due: Friday, May 10th
Prize Day: Thursday, May 16th
Help your child(ren) get donations and support them on their run day. All proceeds will go towards the PE and Athletic Department to help and maintain our continue growth and success at BCCS!
Parents are invited to RUN DAY! We encourage you to come and support your student(s) on Wednesday, May 1st. More information will be coming soon!