World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser

The BCCS PTO is sponsoring a World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser from February 5th to February 28th! All students can participate in selling chocolate and earning prizes. A portion of all sales will be given back to the BCCS PTO to assist with activities and programs for our students!

Please see the attachments for information being sent home with students. Permission slips are also being sent home in Thursday folders.

The PTO will be in the cafeteria for chocolate pick up on the following dates. Parents must be present or a signed form has to be turned in to pick up a box of chocolate.  

February 6th 3:20-6:00pm February 21st 3:20-4:45pm
February 7th 11:30-6:00pm February 24th 3:20-4:15pm
February 10th 3:20-4:15pm February 27th 3:20-4:45pm
February 14th
February 28th 3:20-4:45pm
February 20th


Please enter and exit through Door 4 by the cafeteria (the same door as breakfast).

Thank you for supporting the BCCS PTO!