BCCS Parent / Teacher Conferences are coming up on Thursday, February 6th from 4-6 PM & Friday, February 7th from 12:30-6 PM.
Kindergarten - 6th grade families-
Teachers have created appointment sign ups on their class page in ParentSquare. If you have not already done so, please sign up for an appointment.
MS Parents,
These will be student-led conferences (students use a script). Students must attend. Attached you will find the schedule, but appointments are not necessary. All teachers will also be available to meet to answer any questions you might have. Conferences will take place in rooms 231/232 in the Middle School wing.
If you need an interpreter please contact your teacher or Cassandra Reyes at [email protected]
FRIDAY, February 7th is an early release day. All students will be released at 11:30 AM