Destination Imagination » Destination Imagination

Destination Imagination

icons of various traits of leadership and innovation
What is Destination Imagination?
Destination Imagination (DI) is an education nonprofit working to inspire youth to imagine and innovate through the creative process. DI is a student driven program. Students will develop ideas and complete the challenges on their own! Advisors are there to supervise and support the students as they complete challenges. 
The program uses hands-on STEM challenges allowing students to learn in a creative and collaborative environment. Participants will collaborate in a team challenge that will focus on one of six categories: Technical, Scientific, Engineering, Fine Arts, Improvisation, and Service Learning. 
Through the challenge process students will begin to develop and expand on critical thinking, communication, creativity, and teamwork skills. 
Challenge Experience Timeline
October to January
Teams will choose their challenge and work on their solution.
Teams will also participate in Instant Challenges.
February to March
Teams present their solutions at the 5280 Regional Tournament on Saturday, March 15th
Team that qualify will compete at the State Tournament on April 5th.
Teams that qualify compete at Global Finals May 22nd-25th in Kansas City!
Fridays from 3:45-5:15pm
No Meeting
November 29th
December 20th
December 27th
January 3rd
February 7th
March 14th
March 21st
April 25th